Aug 28, 2013

how to magically turn 20

Wake up with twenty pink & yellow balloons floating above your head.

Plus a surprise delivery of beautiful roses from your missionary. 
(and big thanks to his mom for being the delivery girl)

Go to dinner with the people who you love very most.

Eat the best dessert in the world! After your house has smelled like yummy almond all day, mmmm :) (and then eat it again, for breakfast the next day)

Adopt a mother as creative as mine and get TWENTY of my very favorites things all in one ADORABLE purse :)

I am so blessed, and am feeling very loved. I have the sweetest mom who made my special day just that. :) Even though I spent 6 hours in my first day of school classes it was magical, believe it or not! THANKS MOM for being so sweet, giving, caring, loving, selfless I love you! I have the best grandparents who ALL made me feel special and seriously my family is bomb. I love them so much.

Plus, this guy never fails to impress me: 


Aug 26, 2013

Who decided it was okay to assign homework before the first day of school?

I'd like to know.

Aug 24, 2013

snail mail makes me happy

I did it you guys. My application (including a gosh dang pricey applicaton Fee) is 
Now I just wait 4-6 weeks to see if I get accepted into the program.
I'm going to STUDY ABROAD people. and I am SOOO excited about it!! :) Regardless of the fact that i'm leaving my family, the preschool, and getting a little bit behind in my program, I feel realllllly good about my decision and I am thrilled for the adventure that England will have to offer me this coming Spring!

Also, just in case I haven't made it clear before. Snail mail makes me so HAPPY. If there is one thing i'll miss about these years, it will be the thrill of looking forward to letters in the mail. It's so fun. Even if I go a couple weeks without getting one, the next one that I do get is THAT much better. (picture the sweetest, unexpected text you get that makes your entire week! times TEN MILLION... um butterflies don't deny it!) I think letter writing is so romantic. Guys, I got a package! Oh blissful moment!! I'm not allowed to open it until Tuesday. Which was a very pleasant reminder that i'm TWENTY in less than a week. WHAT. Where did my teen years go?! I'm still a kid, I promise. Plus it helps that EVERY where I go everyone thinks i'm 15 haha. I seriously am going to start actually wearing make-up places so people will maybe take me seriously.

"How has your summer been? Are you SO excited for school to start?"
-ortho assistants (in a high, "talk to a little kid" voice, mind you)

"You should get that dress for one of your dances this year!!"
-Sales Ladies

"How old is your granddaughter? 15?"
-My grandma's friends

"So, what. Are you like 15?"
-My co-workers big, black guy friend who visited her at work.

"You're doing a study abroad? What grade are you in?"

NO. People. I'm 20 (almost) haha but whatever. I can still work the kids-menue right?? I don't know what it is. (it's gotta be the chubby cheeks) haha I honestly think it's funny how often this has happened to me lately. 
Anyway, YAYYY for snail mail!!!! :))

oh, and other good news, FALL! it's right around the corner because I went to my brothers little league game this morning (he scored a TD and they won), AND I had to wear a jacket. AHH!!! I love fall
brisk chill
You get the shpill cause i know you've seen a THOUSAND of those lists if you follow any social media sites haha. So other than the fact that football reminds me of & makes me miss jordan craazzzy bad, i'm just in a real happy mood right now, and off to an overnighter in St. George to support my cutest cousin ever at his farewell.

Check him out:

Aug 20, 2013

cinnamon roll pancakes

Yummy yummy, in my tummy.
Sweet divine taste so fine.
Rich and creamy, sticky dreamy.
Swirly swirly, oh so twirly 
cinnamon roll pancakes.

Recipe Here:

Aug 19, 2013

what to expect after wisdom teeth surgery.

Well, i'm officially three wisdom teeth less of a person.

(4 days post surgery, anyway)

eat. (what I want) ice-cream is my favorite food but it turns out when thats all you can eat... not so much. i've never craved an In N' Out burger more in my whole life, in fact i've actually NEVER craved one before. not to mention every sharp thing has never sounded so appealing, chips & salsa, chex mix, carrots, nuts, hidden valley granola bar...

open my mouth past the size of a quarter.

take myself seriously when I look in the mirror. Yet, i'm still butt hurt when OTHER people laugh at my cheeks. (only i'm allowed to do that)

poop. a dairy-only diet does not make for a happy tummy.

keep my emotions in check. whether it be the meds, or just me feeling sorry for myself, crying fits are to be expected. (i'm gonna go ahead and throw it out there that the "feeling sorry for myself" is also a result of the meds though)

STAY AWAKE. holy cow i've been a zombie since friday.

Apparently have a sense of hygiene. I seriously finally showered and changed my clothes last night... i'm not proud.

i CAN opt out of helping my family unload the groceries from the car though, haha. 

can't stop spitting blood. my. breathe. is. rancid. 
Lick your wrist, then smell it. Thats what your breathe smells like to other people... TERRIBLE idea.

blow my nose... OUCH!

Drink from a straw. And thanks to my semester I spent living in the dorms, it's really the only way I like to drink.

brush my teeth. (okay, okay, yes I CAN do this. But it's scary! There are open wounds back there people!)

drive. (meds)

I can't remember waking up from surgery. But apparently I was really emotional and cried for no apparent reason for a couple hours... while trying to hug the nurse.
Oh ya, and I posted a really embarrassing video on vine that I have no recollection of haha.

BUT my mother has waited on my hand and foot. and even though i'm ornery and get upset when my ice-cream mixed with milk isn't the right consistency (blaming the meds again) she has still been the sweetest. brings me my salt water, antibiotic, and pain killer when I need it, (haha what would I do without her? Probably develop a bacterial disease and die.) 

Thanks mom, I love you!! You are a life-saver. 

Oh ya, I have a new found motivation to NEVER gain 20 lbs of cheek fat. . . The look just doesn't do me good. 

Back on day one when I THOUGHT my cheeks were huge. Yah right:

Aug 12, 2013

greasy hair-day blues (turban tutorial)

I have seen girls wear these turban-scarfs before! I'm definitely not the inventor, and am SO glad for the inspiration because when I don't leave myself enough time to wash my hair before leaving the house, it's definitely an eaaaaasy fix. So I messed around with it until I came up with a way to tie it :)
I'm sure there are hundreds of different ways that people tie them, and I surprisingly was asked tons of questions at work on how I tied mine! 

So, these are my 5 simple steps: 

I officially took my LAST final of the semester today. And i'm holding my breathe until my score is posted!! Wish me luck :)
Oh, and do I even get my 14 days of summer vacation until fall semester? 
Uh, no. Because one of my lovely professors is having us read an entire book and writing an essay that is DUE on the FIRST day of school!! Are. You. Kidding. Me. 
Happy Birthday to Jessica. 

Aug 10, 2013

my little school house

Meeting my mom's class was a success!! I am already in love with all the cute little individuals we will have, and I am MORE than excited to be her assistant :)

She has put so much work into her little school, and I know it's going to be an incredible experience for everyone who is involved. 

(Psh, who needs to finish getting their degree when you could teach pre-K with your mom forever?!) ;)

Aug 7, 2013

studio art 1030

Summer semester is officially coming to an end you guys.
I completed CHF and Studio Art both with A's and I have two finals left!
One tomorrow and one on Monday. (um holy cow, wish me luck)

If you know me at all, you know art has ALWAYS been my favorite subject in school! I'm pretty sure I took every available art credit that was offered at davis high. And while my friends were all scrounging to get into a ceramics class senior year, oh I had plenty of art credits to spare. Basically I love it not because I'm good, (because i'm not) but because i'm not graded on the final product. With the arts, I personally think that the process is more important than the product. And isn't that so refreshing! What did I learn from creating an assignment? How was I able to convert my feelings and emotions into gestures on a paper? My art professor that I had this semester was probably one of my favorites! It took some adjustment for me to get use to her style, (like, she never looked at my homework, ever.) But I really grew to appreciate her perspective. I was able to develop


Plus a plethora of fun techniques. I'm going to miss that class and I'm glad for the experience :) 

A few of the assignments we worked on throughout the semester:
(the ones I didn't lose)

So basically after Monday i'll have a 13 day break before fall semester starts... and I begin Level 1 of the El Ed program!!!
Which means ladies and gentleman....
Hallelujah, miracles do happen. 
That was my final task and I am officially accepted into the program! I'm excited. And nervous. But mostly excited to begin my classes. :) 
Which are night classes mostly because....
Me and my mom begin teaching for "My Little School House" on September 4th! We get to meet our classes tomorrow... and i'm oh so excited for that :)
 Go ahead and call me Miss Jess

Not to mention, I turn twenty this month. WHAT. On the second day of school, nonetheless. 

Life is great. Make each day count.

dirty dr p

Aug 5, 2013

this place. bruges waffles & frites.

For those people who say they don't love Utah, ( I don't know who is crazy enough to think such a thing) you clearly don't get out enough. I'm one of those people who, when i'm driving through a city i'll label it with
 "awh how cute" "old-fashion" "vintage" "adorable" 
And maybe it's because I have lived here for so long, so I just got use to my surroundings, but it turns out I live in one of those adorable cities! (Yes, downtown Kaysville is cute, okay?") And I don't know who doesn't love Salt Lake City. And for those of you who haven't been to Bruges Waffles & Frites. You need to go. It's delicious, and adorable, and authentic, and you just need to go. 
As long as you aren't counting calories that is. 
I have four words for you,

Vanilla Batter

ps if you can't see my video ^^
you can watch it here, at this link: