Aug 7, 2013

studio art 1030

Summer semester is officially coming to an end you guys.
I completed CHF and Studio Art both with A's and I have two finals left!
One tomorrow and one on Monday. (um holy cow, wish me luck)

If you know me at all, you know art has ALWAYS been my favorite subject in school! I'm pretty sure I took every available art credit that was offered at davis high. And while my friends were all scrounging to get into a ceramics class senior year, oh I had plenty of art credits to spare. Basically I love it not because I'm good, (because i'm not) but because i'm not graded on the final product. With the arts, I personally think that the process is more important than the product. And isn't that so refreshing! What did I learn from creating an assignment? How was I able to convert my feelings and emotions into gestures on a paper? My art professor that I had this semester was probably one of my favorites! It took some adjustment for me to get use to her style, (like, she never looked at my homework, ever.) But I really grew to appreciate her perspective. I was able to develop


Plus a plethora of fun techniques. I'm going to miss that class and I'm glad for the experience :) 

A few of the assignments we worked on throughout the semester:
(the ones I didn't lose)

So basically after Monday i'll have a 13 day break before fall semester starts... and I begin Level 1 of the El Ed program!!!
Which means ladies and gentleman....
Hallelujah, miracles do happen. 
That was my final task and I am officially accepted into the program! I'm excited. And nervous. But mostly excited to begin my classes. :) 
Which are night classes mostly because....
Me and my mom begin teaching for "My Little School House" on September 4th! We get to meet our classes tomorrow... and i'm oh so excited for that :)
 Go ahead and call me Miss Jess

Not to mention, I turn twenty this month. WHAT. On the second day of school, nonetheless. 

Life is great. Make each day count.


  1. You are so talented, girl! I love that picture of the ballerina on the third row. It's gorgeous. I wouldn't mind seeing that hanging in my bedroom ;)

    Tightrope to the Sun


thoughts from you