Aug 24, 2013

snail mail makes me happy

I did it you guys. My application (including a gosh dang pricey applicaton Fee) is 
Now I just wait 4-6 weeks to see if I get accepted into the program.
I'm going to STUDY ABROAD people. and I am SOOO excited about it!! :) Regardless of the fact that i'm leaving my family, the preschool, and getting a little bit behind in my program, I feel realllllly good about my decision and I am thrilled for the adventure that England will have to offer me this coming Spring!

Also, just in case I haven't made it clear before. Snail mail makes me so HAPPY. If there is one thing i'll miss about these years, it will be the thrill of looking forward to letters in the mail. It's so fun. Even if I go a couple weeks without getting one, the next one that I do get is THAT much better. (picture the sweetest, unexpected text you get that makes your entire week! times TEN MILLION... um butterflies don't deny it!) I think letter writing is so romantic. Guys, I got a package! Oh blissful moment!! I'm not allowed to open it until Tuesday. Which was a very pleasant reminder that i'm TWENTY in less than a week. WHAT. Where did my teen years go?! I'm still a kid, I promise. Plus it helps that EVERY where I go everyone thinks i'm 15 haha. I seriously am going to start actually wearing make-up places so people will maybe take me seriously.

"How has your summer been? Are you SO excited for school to start?"
-ortho assistants (in a high, "talk to a little kid" voice, mind you)

"You should get that dress for one of your dances this year!!"
-Sales Ladies

"How old is your granddaughter? 15?"
-My grandma's friends

"So, what. Are you like 15?"
-My co-workers big, black guy friend who visited her at work.

"You're doing a study abroad? What grade are you in?"

NO. People. I'm 20 (almost) haha but whatever. I can still work the kids-menue right?? I don't know what it is. (it's gotta be the chubby cheeks) haha I honestly think it's funny how often this has happened to me lately. 
Anyway, YAYYY for snail mail!!!! :))

oh, and other good news, FALL! it's right around the corner because I went to my brothers little league game this morning (he scored a TD and they won), AND I had to wear a jacket. AHH!!! I love fall
brisk chill
You get the shpill cause i know you've seen a THOUSAND of those lists if you follow any social media sites haha. So other than the fact that football reminds me of & makes me miss jordan craazzzy bad, i'm just in a real happy mood right now, and off to an overnighter in St. George to support my cutest cousin ever at his farewell.

Check him out:


  1. 1. Application fees are the stupidest things in the entire world ever. Just let me go to your school/ study in England!
    2. I love snail mail too! I miss all of my friends who are out on missions right now but seriously I love their mail more... not really but... it's close ;) I got three letters from three different missionaries on the same day last week. I lost it I was so excited.
    3. Girl, I look like a baby too. I'm 21 and I still get 16. I still get so upset about it but I mean, when we are 40 and still getting carded to go in to concerts, we will be grateful!
    4. You're the cutest :)

    Tightrope to the Sun

  2. Jesssssss I'm so freakin excited for your studying abroad. But don't leave us :( hahaha

  3. Snail mail is the greatest thing ever:) I adore your blog!


thoughts from you