Aug 12, 2013

greasy hair-day blues (turban tutorial)

I have seen girls wear these turban-scarfs before! I'm definitely not the inventor, and am SO glad for the inspiration because when I don't leave myself enough time to wash my hair before leaving the house, it's definitely an eaaaaasy fix. So I messed around with it until I came up with a way to tie it :)
I'm sure there are hundreds of different ways that people tie them, and I surprisingly was asked tons of questions at work on how I tied mine! 

So, these are my 5 simple steps: 

I officially took my LAST final of the semester today. And i'm holding my breathe until my score is posted!! Wish me luck :)
Oh, and do I even get my 14 days of summer vacation until fall semester? 
Uh, no. Because one of my lovely professors is having us read an entire book and writing an essay that is DUE on the FIRST day of school!! Are. You. Kidding. Me. 
Happy Birthday to Jessica. 


  1. AHHH! I adore this! I cannot wait to try it myself. Thank you for the tutorial; I have been obsessing over your instagram photos of this. You are gorgeous!

    PS Congrats on your final final!

    Tightrope to the Sun

    1. Ahh, thank you so much! Seriously use it, it's so easy :)

      Haha you are the sweetest!


thoughts from you