May 6, 2017

THE CATAMARAN and some tidbits

We have come full circle!!
Our first day, (literally within 5 hours of getting off the airplane) in St. Thomas we were snorkeling around Turtle Cove of Buck Island. -Thanks to our friend who picked us up from the airport and dropped us off in the ocean ha! We hadn't been back since but got invited on a catamaran tour over there, and now we only have WEEKS left here in St. Thomas. We began and ended with Buck Island.

The "Cat" was awesome and the water was spectacularrrrrrr. Couldn't have asked for a prettier day. And if I could sail around the ocean just chillin on the net with some chips and salsa every day- I wouldn't complain ;) 

Tid Bits of our life lately:
  • We started to lay out everything we are going to take to Europe today. PANICKING because we have to pack for hot AND cold weather. And we have a 22 lb. limit. I REPEAT 22 LBS! Asking if this is going to be possible. Prayers welcome. Contemplating photoshopping different outfits in my pictures (kidding..... maybe)
  • Also, we ran some errands to get some Europe-needs today. (Like an actual pair of pants for Jordan and some travel containers to pour our lotions and what-not into.) NO WHERE on the island is selling a raincoat right now just fyi haha. Amazon? Help?
  • I am still in utter awe and amazement at how beautiful our view is as we drive down the hill from our house into town and especially when the sun is shining the water just takes my breath away. 
  • I married a stud who did the dishes, sprayed everything down, swept, mopped and sparkled our house right up while I prepared my relief society lesson for church!
  • My right eyelid literally twitched for FOUR days straight. I was slowly going crazy. Not knowing what was causing it I ate a bunch of nuts, bananas, stayed away from caffeine and aspartame, tried to drink a lot of water and get some sleep and the 5th day I woke up and it finally went away. But I'm telling ya... I wouldn't wish that upon my worst enemy. (I literally had Jordan stick his thumb in my eyelid during church to just numb the twitching  a little.)
  •  I am starting to interview for teaching positions again for this fall!!! I'm so excited to be back. I've had dreams about teaching at least a couple times a month. Wish me luck!
  • Daddy's birthday is TOMORROW. Such a good guy. Wish I could be there to celebrate him. (And if you see this dad I ordered your present but it will get to you a little late, just to prolong your birthday for a little longer yay!)

AND, some pictures of our day on the Catamaran.

A real life bachelorette date!!! Lol Jk. But really the cute interns who let us tag along.

Bringing me treasures from the sea!!! Heart Eyes. Also note- HOW CLEAR IS THAT WATER. Doesn't get old. 

THE VI CAT fake tattoo... sounded so good in the moment hahaha why?? 

Pretty views from the outside looking in. 

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