Jun 26, 2013

oh the blissful life

Is my life realllllly always blissful? Of course it is. Even when it may not appear to be so soft and sparkly on the surface and if situations haven't exactly been looking up, i've found that the world always has some simple gesture of joy to offer. Maybe we have to peer a little closer around us and maybe even change our standard definition of joy to enjoy these, but they do exist. When a small summer rainstorm gives all our greenery a flourishing boost. Sure makes my drive to Weber breathtaking. A cutest small freight train that traveled through the thick vegetation above me while I was on highway 89 painted the prettiest picture. The sky people! An open expansion of deep azure 'space.' It amazes me how "the sky" has color and it's almost as if our atmosphere is capturing it in a bubble. Like if you flew high enough you could touch this big bright blue tarp (say that 5 times fast), when really it's just a mixture of gas that gradually changes mediums as you get higher and it essentially never ends. But just standing on earth and gazing up into this sky symbolizes to me that you can do anything with your life. The sky is your limit! Even if you are an eternity behind on your POLSC readings and seriously questioning why summer school ever sounded like a good idea, the world is SO much bigger than that one class. There is still time to explore, meet people, and find happiness in every day life! And it makes me happy that my textbook is so cute, dare I say stylish? Didn't think it was possible. Love the sun and be grateful for it's light and warmth. And if your like me find just a minute each day to bask in it WITH spf of course. Embrace the small firework show that the neighbors randomly put on! Isn't it funny how we gather around to watch miniature bombs of color? But it brings us joy, me at least! It makes the children all the way up to the grandparents literally giggle at these loud bursts of confetti in the air. Snail mail brings me joy. (keep it alive people!) The fact that someone would take the time to record thoughts and feelings for you, important enough to pay postage for, that is bliss at it's finest! Not to mention the occasional times you find a small surprise of some pressed flowers from the temple grounds, because they knew that simple act would make your day. (Swoon.)  I promise there is always joy to be found in complementing others. If your day can't be made, make theirs! Take a deep breath. Don't get down if things aren't going your way. Or if you miss someone so much. Or feel overwhelmed and stressed out. And need another job. haha My point is, work hard. Harder than you ever have to achieve your goals and what is important to you. But don't forget to enjoy the climb! Don't get too caught up to the point that you are ignoring and neglecting to be grateful for the tender mercies that surround us every day. I have a very wise bishop who counseled that the more we acknowledge, and record these small but significant miracles the more we will notice them in our lives. What makes you happy?

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