Wow, what a crazy past couple of days! To tell you the truth
I was planning on spending these past two days finishing all my homework up so
I wouldn’t have to worry about it while I was in Mexico, buuut that didn’t work
out quite as I planned. ;) I had left work early on Thursday night because it
was slow and on my way home one of Julia’s friends texted me…
“There has been an accident, we can’t contact your parents. Call me ASAP.”
Of course I called her and found out that Julia was being life-flighted to the hospital, but that was it. With no other details my mind just imagined the worst and it was one of the most scary moments of my entire life. Ya, we may bicker over clothes every once in a while but Julia is my best friend, and I NEED her in my life. This whole thing might have been God's way of saying, "Jess there are more important things in life than how many times you have to wash your new shirt." So I pretty much lost it while I called my mom and started heading to Primary Childrens. I was able to meet up with my mom and took what seemed like the longest drive ever to Salt Lake! We had calls from everyone because Twitter had apparently blown up with tweets #prayforJulia #prayforhovey #prayforzach Seriously, these three kids are some of the most loved people in Davis County and there were thousands of people worrying about them! Finally, we met my mom's dad at the hospital, they were able to go in the emergency room and my grandpa was able to give Julia a blessing, it was the first thing she had asked for. The next few hours Julia received x-rays, and tests to make sure there wasn't any internal bleeding or fractures. She had 5 staples in the back of her head and after getting cleared she was able to be moved up to a room. Tons of Julia's friends and family had been waiting just to see if she was okay, she is such a loved girl and I know she appreciated so much all the love and support she got. She doesn't remember the accident very well, but she knows that she didn't make the best decision and I think a very good lesson was learned! I think back to when I use to drive the little Toyota in highschool and all the stupid things my friends and I did. I honestly don't know how we got away without any injuries and i'm so glad that it didn't take something worse to hopefully wake everyone up to realize that our bodies aren't invincible and that maybe we should treat them a little more gently.
“There has been an accident, we can’t contact your parents. Call me ASAP.”
Of course I called her and found out that Julia was being life-flighted to the hospital, but that was it. With no other details my mind just imagined the worst and it was one of the most scary moments of my entire life. Ya, we may bicker over clothes every once in a while but Julia is my best friend, and I NEED her in my life. This whole thing might have been God's way of saying, "Jess there are more important things in life than how many times you have to wash your new shirt." So I pretty much lost it while I called my mom and started heading to Primary Childrens. I was able to meet up with my mom and took what seemed like the longest drive ever to Salt Lake! We had calls from everyone because Twitter had apparently blown up with tweets #prayforJulia #prayforhovey #prayforzach Seriously, these three kids are some of the most loved people in Davis County and there were thousands of people worrying about them! Finally, we met my mom's dad at the hospital, they were able to go in the emergency room and my grandpa was able to give Julia a blessing, it was the first thing she had asked for. The next few hours Julia received x-rays, and tests to make sure there wasn't any internal bleeding or fractures. She had 5 staples in the back of her head and after getting cleared she was able to be moved up to a room. Tons of Julia's friends and family had been waiting just to see if she was okay, she is such a loved girl and I know she appreciated so much all the love and support she got. She doesn't remember the accident very well, but she knows that she didn't make the best decision and I think a very good lesson was learned! I think back to when I use to drive the little Toyota in highschool and all the stupid things my friends and I did. I honestly don't know how we got away without any injuries and i'm so glad that it didn't take something worse to hopefully wake everyone up to realize that our bodies aren't invincible and that maybe we should treat them a little more gently.
Julia and Haley were "surfing" (standing up) in the back of her truck in Davis high parking, just being the free spirited souls that they are, (have you seen Perks of Being a Wallflower? Well if you haven't, don't haha it's weird. But if you have then picture the scene where Emma Watson climbs in the back and does this same thing on the freeway, seems so harmless and free right?) When a sharp turn threw them out of the back, tumbling over each other and onto the ground. Their traumatized friends said that Haley had scrapes all over her body and was bleeding, but was able to get up and Julia was laying in a puddle of blood coming from her head and thats when they knew it was bad. I'm so glad they were smart enough to call 911 and get help!
I can't even tell you how ecstatic I am that nothing worse happened to Haley or Julia. Julia suffered a concussion last week during her O2 audition (from getting kicked square in the face by a full grown man) so getting another concussion was the main concern and she just needs to take it easy. It could have been so much worse and we feel so blessed that she is still with us! Although she has to wear her c-collar for a couple weeks, we are hoping that she can be released from the hospital by Sunday! But until then she has had so many visitors, flowers, treats, and love! Our ward is awesome, and Julia's friends have been life savers. They put a smile on her face as soon as they walk in the room and that is the best thing to see while she has been in so much pain! If she didn't think she was loved before, there can't possibly be a doubt about it now! Life is so fragile. People say that all the time, but of course you don't realize the true meaning of that until something traumatic happens. On our way to the hospital my mom and I got a little frustrated that "Twitter" was blowing the whole situation WAY out of proportion, that it didn't need to be such a big deal, that people were getting the story wrong, etc. but the more I thought about it, it is INCREDIBLE the amount of prayers and support that took place for Julia and her friends. Even if people didn't know what was going on, they cared! They knew something was wrong and it brought them together as a community (like literally I think the entire Davis County) to support a few of their peers who were in need of some extra prayers. And who knows, maybe without all the extra faith the situation would have been worse. So, thank you so much for all the love!!
Julia is the biggest sweetheart on the face of this planet. She has a love for life and loving like you have never seen before. As long as I can remember she has been a friend to EVERYONE. Literally she gets along with any type of person and will make you feel important and loved. Her heart is so big, she truly is compassionate and is constantly worried about the welfare of others. She accepts everyone, she WILL not judge others and never has. She has been the best example to me about that. She has a better understanding of the fact that we are all just children of God just trying to get through this life together than anyone else I know. It really would be a darker place without her. She's an angel. I love you Ju! SO glad nothing worse happened to ya. My heart hurts for those who do have to go through the trial of losing someone close or who constantly have people close to them suffering. Maybe we should all just take a little time every day to have a prayer in our heart for them.
Julia is the biggest sweetheart on the face of this planet. She has a love for life and loving like you have never seen before. As long as I can remember she has been a friend to EVERYONE. Literally she gets along with any type of person and will make you feel important and loved. Her heart is so big, she truly is compassionate and is constantly worried about the welfare of others. She accepts everyone, she WILL not judge others and never has. She has been the best example to me about that. She has a better understanding of the fact that we are all just children of God just trying to get through this life together than anyone else I know. It really would be a darker place without her. She's an angel. I love you Ju! SO glad nothing worse happened to ya. My heart hurts for those who do have to go through the trial of losing someone close or who constantly have people close to them suffering. Maybe we should all just take a little time every day to have a prayer in our heart for them.
Take care of Julia while i'm gone :)
Haha you posted this a few times!! but it was cute and it made me cry. love you!! I hope you're having fun in Mexico and I'm so glad Ju's okay!!!!