Jun 6, 2012

'not-so white' board

I don't know what girl hasn't at one point in her life had a 'white-board' or some kind of 'memo-board'  hanging somewhere on her walls.
As cute as 'white boards' are,
this is cuter!

 I picked up this picture frame from the D.I. for $1.75
Simply removed the embroidered picture inside (from like the 1800's-haha)
Painted the frame
Painted the cardboard that comes behind the picture
Put everything back in place
and instant 'glass' board!

It works with dry-erase markers even better than whiteboards do.
And it's 10 times more fun.

Originally I was planning on buying some cute scrapbook paper to put behind the glass, which I still think I'll do once I get to it. (Ben Franklin was just closed when I was making this)
But painting the cardboard- backing works just as well too!

Plus i'll probably have to re-do the whole thing once I find out what color theme my room is going to have up at college.
Good thing it's super easy!

1 comment:

  1. I’ve seen a lot of DIY boards in the net, but this really caught my eye. I love the color of the frame you used; it has a nice vibrant tone, and is very eye-catching. Anyway, thank you for sharing this with us, Jessica. Have a great day!

    Lynne Hollaran @ Suburban Glass Service, Inc.


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