Feb 1, 2014

life lately

According to my iPhone pics.

^Madison Kramer finished 12 months, one year of her mission! Yikes. (And Jenni just hit her 6 months!)

^remember how I said I started doing yoga again? well i have officially become addicted now! yay! When I can't make it into a class, (or don't want to pay for it) I'll look up routines on youtube and dim my lights… you betcha.

^A mango mtn. dew can do the soul good. (i said soul, not heart) at first I was a little upset about Swig going into Provo… because I felt like that was such a special treat that should only be enjoyed in St. G! Ya know… the easier access the less appreciative we'd all be of it? haha but I took it back realizing those sugar cookies and fountain drinks were tasty in any part of the state.

 ^aching, craving, and longing for summer. and weddings. or even just some sunshine. (is it possible for wedding attending to be a hobby? cause…)

^i can say with confidence that i no longer wheeze after my dash up three flights of stairs in my mad rush to be on time for class every day. i'm no pro gym-er by any means. but i'm working at relieving stress (which seems to come in abundance lately) and just getting fitter. to be honest i'm kind of waiting for some magical hot trainer to come whip my butt into shape…i'm too easy on myself. (maybe one will happen to appear in approx. 4 months??)

>>fyi I just consumed half a bag of a Large theatre popcorn… and it's way past my bedtime.

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