Dec 30, 2011


new years resolution? did I miss something?
you should be making resolutions every day. start being better the second you read this.
 start saving your money now.
go to the gym today.
make goals EVERY day.
your dream isnt big enough if it doesn't scare you, so don't wait & hide behind the tradition.
(of starting on monday)
living your life should be the tradition.

(kind of oxymoronic of me to post this right at New Years, i know)

Dec 21, 2011

christmas lights

Hundreds of thousands of Christmas lights on at Temple Square and throughout downtown, a seasonal tradition that brings visitors from every corner of the world.

Volunteers and official groundskeepers began stringing the colorful lights in August and those lights are expected to beam brightly every evening, from dusk to 10 p.m., until New Year's Day, and then the dismantling will begin. It usually takes until March to put it all away.

Christmas lights first were put up around Temple Square, at the direction of LDS Church President David O. McKay.

Nearly 15,000 people gathered on Thursday, Dec. 9, 1965 at 7:45 p.m. to see 40,000 Christmas lights turned on for the first "Lighting of Temple Square." President McKay did the honors: "Our minds tonight should be on the Babe of Bethlehem whose coming into the world Christmas morning reminds us all that we each should have in our hearts the love of Christ."

"A mighty 'aah' of appreciation went up from the crowd as all the lights went on, followed by a burst of applause."
The Mormon Tabernacle Choir sang "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem," "Hark the Herald Angels Sing" and "I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day." Then the crowd joined them in singing "Oh Come All Ye Faithful." The ceremony ended with the choir singing "Silent Night."
It was a night like many other nights during Christmas seasons to follow. Forty-five years later, crowds still flock to see lights downtown and to hear the Mormon Tabernacle Choir sing of a silent night.

I LOVE me some temple square lights at christmas time!

Not enough pictures of the lights :/ but they really are amazing!
and BUNDLE up, it's freezing!!

I love going with Jordan because he is SO appreciative of all the hard work that gets put into stringing lights...
 "Do you know how LONG that ONE tree probably took?? Look they got every single branch all the way to the tippy top!" :)

Dec 9, 2011

christmas trees and snowballs

 I have an obsession with 'cake pops'
 probably cause the frosting and cake mixed together makes it kinda feel like i'm just eating cake batter
 BUT with no raw eggs! YUM :)
(treats are my favorite before they're baked)
Christmas trees and Snowballs...

Dec 5, 2011

5 min project

old way...
hard to see all my headbands

five minutes to decorate a glass jar

and I have Organized headbands!

And storage inside, for the ones that don't wrap around the outside.

Dec 4, 2011

"breakfast with santa"

The boys and girls club  hosted  a Christmas party for it's members on Saturday. My intern teacher told us about it, and also made a deal with us that if we volunteered our time it would take place of our term project. She has been volunteering for years and said we wouldn't be disappointed.
 She was right!
We met at the Roy Municipal building Saturday morning, where a huge breakfast was being prepared. The kids' buses started arriving and after they ate breakfast we were paired up with a child, and helped them browse through donated gifts to find one present for each person in their family. After we wrapped their presents, we took them to see Santa and helped them reunite with their parent, or grandparent.

It sounds simple, but really it was such a good experience! I was truly touched by the gratitude of the kids and their families. One of the girls I was assisting was a high school student, my age. At first I felt really awkward, and was worried about how she would feel with a girl her same age helping her out with this. I realized, after getting to know her better, that someone as humble as her doesn't have those worries. I grew an instant love for her, and for her example to me. She was honestly just there so she could have a Christmas to share with her family, and she was SO grateful. She told me so many times thanks for my help, and merry Christmas, and how nice I was. She was the last girl I helped, and I came home crying. There is just something right about that kind of attitude, and she had such a sweet spirit.
I thank Mrs. Peterson for encouraging me to attend this event, and I highly recommend that if you haven't had the chance, to volunteer! There are so many places that need volunteers, you can really make a difference, and it is definitely worth it for the experience.

I have another amazing story...
So last year I tied fleece blankets. I turned them into my school (DHS) for them to donate.
I didn't know where they were going to be donated to, I just thought some shelter or something but was never sure.
Look what I found on Saturday... 
That's MY blanket I tied! I PROMISE.
It was set out on one of the tables to be chosen for a gift!
How cool is that! I never thought I'd see it again, and there it was at the boys and girls club event I just happened to be at.
I'm glad to know that even if it is a year later my blanket is being put to some good use!

Dec 1, 2011

can you say WIND?

 Today, I think, has been THE windiest day of my existence! It started with the power flickering out early this morning. As I was ON TIME to seminary me and Julia could barely walk in the doors! Like that one digestion commercial or something where everyone walks at a diaganol, thats how it was! In seminary, POWER OUT. Back at the school the power was flickering on and off, finally they dismissed classes and had us on lock down until 10:30. Driving back to my house was a sad mess. Literally dodging trampolines, trash cans, and trees. My light little truck barely made it on all fours to say the least. Saddest part about all of this... all the pretty trees. :(  
These pictures don't show justice. I had to hurry and take them on my phone as I was driving by... but it's like this everywhere. sad.

But a good thing about today besides no school...
November is over and not once in the past 31 days have I touched a hair dryer or straightener.
and... it was EASY
(i can't say my hair is way long now.. but its super soft and looking pretty healthy)