So I was browsing through my favorite website Pinterest when i came across this idea for a DIY scragly scarf. The instructions were REALLY simple so I tried it out...
It's just made by making some cuts, and adjustments to an old t-shirt. It was SO easy and took me probably five minutes tops. It's kinda different but i kinda like it!
(Although I probably wouldn't wear it with the outfit I have on in the picture)
For some reason I keep happening upon DIY ideas for making clothes out of other old or hand-me-down clothes. . . maybe it's a sign that I should just invent my new outfits and put my money to better use! There were the cutest ideas for:
- a comfy cardigan from an old thermal
- a skirt out of a man's button down shirt
- even slippers out of a sweater?
So maybe these won't save all your money in the world, but it recycles AND gives you something fun to work on :) especially now that it's getting cold, and for some reason I relate cold weather to cozy in-doorsy activities:)
I'M IN!!
This is what Utah State sent me in the mail to celebrate my admittance into their school! I thought it was kinda clever... the small instructions on the bottom say:
" hands inside dotted lines 2.hold over head around screaming I'm an Aggie!"
Don't worry I followed all of the above:) So I'm not celebrating the fact that I actually got into Utah State.. cause I realize that isn't a hard thing to do. Honestly I'm just pumped that I'm to the point in my life where i CAN be accepted into colleges! Life is coming at me fast and i am SO excited for what the next few years will bring me! so many changes coming so soon. Three more terms at dear old davis high school and then begins my new adventure. My only problem is I need to calm down and just live in the present... sometimes I get too ahead of myself just imagining all the new exciting things i'll be experiencing. As of now I should probably worry about things like am I gonna get Fit for Life credit? and start saving some mula! college isn't cheap i'm learning, bring on the scholarships!
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